Cat stories

A cat in Istanbul is facing tough times as it tries to survive on the streets while dealing with a severely damaged face. This feline, although unique in its appearance, has been through a lot while scavenging for food amongst the garbage. Despite her unattractive appearance, no one could help but ignore the pitiful animal […]

It’s that time of the year again when things start to get spooky and this black cat definitely knows how to dress up for the occasion. Meet Monkey, the feline with a built-in costume – Dracula teeth! But don’t let his menacing look fool you, his owner assures us that he’s as sweet as can

The melancholy meow of a feline that had been poisoned and left on the roadside shattered the stillness of the night. The sound was so sorrowful that it created a sense of hopelessness and gloom in the atmosphere. Regrettably, the innocent animal had landed in a trap that someone had laid out, resulting in this

Since the day I raised it, my beloved cat has always been endearingly “silly,” setting itself apart from other felines. While most cats are known for their poise and grace, my furry friend seems to have a knack for entertaining everyone around with its playful antics and quirky behavior. It has never been bothered by

It’s quite alarming to think of feline friends having humongous worms in their nose. Regrettably, this isn’t merely a thought as some cats are prone to contracting parasitic infections that can result in severe health concerns. Getting rid of worms in a cat’s nasal passage is a task that demands careful handling and expertise. This

The small and feeble cat was left alone amidst the garbage, lying still and hopeless. It meowed for assistance, but its cries went unheard. As time passed, the helpless feline remained stuck in the rubbish, with no way to break free or move around. In spite of facing a challenging circumstance, the feline persisted in

Introducing Bum, also known as “Worried Eyes.” At just four weeks old, he was brought to the shelter and captured everyone’s hearts with his concerned expression. But don’t fret, this tabby cat with crossed eyes has found a loving home already! According to the San Diego Humane Society, Bum is initially cautious around new people,

While cats are generally known for their agility, grace, and adorable small size, there exists a rare and captivating group of felines that defy these stereotypes—the giant cats. These majestic creatures, known for their imposing size and unique characteristics, inspire awe and fascination among animal enthusiasts and researchers alike.            

In February 2021, she made her way to the Meow Paws Cat Shelter in Macedonia. Her broken lower jaw was easily noticeable from the moment she arrived. She had suffered a severe blow to the head, causing her eyes to look distressed and her face to be splattered with blood. The medical team promptly conducted

Prepare to be enchanted by the sheer cuteness of these delightful photos featuring an adorable kitten with four paws but only two tiny shoes! This captivating collection captures the heartwarming moments as this little furball confidently strides on two feet, each adorned with a precious shoe. Join us as we unravel the tale of this

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